Circuit Python tutorials in Robotics II
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A variable is a “bucket” that we can use to store data. In Python, we can save data like numbers, words, letters, True/False, or more types of values inside of variables. Much like in math, we also use variables in programming.
# In math:
x = 5
y = 2
z = x + y
# In Programming:
distance = 12
speed = 95.5
name = "rover_1"
is_driver_controlled = True
The main difference between variables in math, and in programming, are that:
power = 5
light_intensity = 84.8
rover_name = "Jenkins"
has_rc_control = True
See below for legal vs “illegal” variable names in Python
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Another convention in naming variables in python is that all names are in lower case. If we have to have multiple words, we_separate_them_with_an_underscore. This is called “snake_case”, a well fitting name for Python.
distance = 50
distance = 12
Just like in math, we can also use arithmatic operators on variables.
+ add
- subtract
* multiplication
/ division
// integer division (no decimals)
% Modulus (remainder division)
Try this:
time = 10
speed = 40
distance = time * speed
Copy and paste the following code inside Then, follow the #code comments to practice arithmatic operators in Python:
# Note: any line that starts with a "#" hashtag, is a special line in Python
# it is a "code comment", something that is useful for you, but the computer ignores
# don't change these variables
wallet = 25
bank_account = 50
kaas_broodje = 2.25
# assign total money to the sum of wallet and bank_account
total_money =
# You now purchase a kaas broodje from your wallet. subtract this value from total_money and form your wallet.
total_money = total_money -
wallet = wallet -
#print all 3 values. Don't change these print statements. They'll print first the string, then the value of the variable listed after the comma
print("Total sum in wallet:", wallet)
print("Total sum in Bank:", bank_account)
print("Total money all together:", total_money)
Changing variables is critical in computer programs, and one of the most important things we can do. Imagine we have a distance sensor, that only reads the distance to an object once. Not a very useful design! We always need to be constantly re-writing the value of distance in order to update our code. Let’s practice
Here’s a series of calculations using variables. Your task is to determine the final values of boxes
and items
boxes = 3
items = boxes * 5 # items = ?
items = items - 4 # items = ?
boxes += 2 # boxes = ?
boxes *= 2 # boxes = ?
# Use arithmetic operators for changing values and shorthand for assignments such as += and -=.
boxes = 10
items = 11
Calculate the total price. Copy and paste the following code in, and modify this code.
# Variables for item prices
item1 = 10
item2 = 20
tax = 0.08
# Don't change the above code ^^^
# Assign total_price to the sum of item1 and item2
total_price =
# Assign tax_amount to the total_price multiplied by tax
tax_amount =
# Assign final_price to the total_price plus the tax_amount
final_price =
# Here we're printing the final values, don't change the code below!
print("Total Price:", total_price)
print("Tax Amount:", tax_amount)
print("Final Price:", final_price)
# Use basic arithmetic to calculate totals and percentages.
Total Price: 30
Tax Amount: 2.4
Final Price: 32.4
again, copy and paste the following code into your file.
# Dimensions of a rectangle
length = 15
width = 10
# Don't change the above code ^^^
# Assign area to the product of length and width
area =
# Assign perimeter to the sum of all sides (2 * length + 2 * width)
perimeter =
# Here we're printing the final values, don't change the code below!
print("Area:", area)
print("Perimeter:", perimeter)
# For area, use multiplication, and for perimeter, account for both pairs of sides.
Area: 150
Perimeter: 50