
Circuit Python tutorials in Robotics II

View the Project on GitHub MrPrattASH/Robotics-II-Circuit-Python

Table of Contents

Creating a Simple Timer Using CircuitPython

This tutorial will guide you through creating a simple timer in CircuitPython using the Timer module. We will create a basic timer functionality that runs for a specific period (like 10 seconds) before notifying the user that the time has elapsed.


Ensure you have the file on your CIRCUIT.PY lib folder.


import time
from timer import Timer

# Create an instance of the Timer
timer = Timer()

# Setting a timer for 10 seconds
timer.set_timer(time.monotonic(), time.monotonic() + 10)

# Continuously checks if the timer has ended
while True:
    # Check the timer status
    timer_end = timer.check_timer()
    # Provide feedback based on the timer status
    if timer_end:
        print("Timer reached!")
        print("Timer still running")
    # Wait half a second before checking again

Code Breakdown


Try changing the timer.set_timer()’s second argument to see how the duration affects the output timing. For example, change time.monotonic() + 10 to time.monotonic() + 5 for a shorter duration. “””