Circuit Python tutorials in Robotics II
View the Project on GitHub MrPrattASH/Robotics-II-Circuit-Python
Now that you know how to program a rotational servo, let’s do some challenges to continue to build your knowledge. You’ll need several buttons, LEDs, and a rotational servo for this challenge.
Don’t forget your 10uF Capacitor and 0.22uF ceramic capacitor to help filter out some noise. Remember, the closer these capacitors are to your power rail jumper wires, the better.
Using two buttons, make one button turn on your servo and one button turn it off.
!Don’t forget how to wire your buttons as digital INPUTs with resistors.
while True
throttle (or other stop value)else
statementsStarter Code:
import board
from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull
import time
switch = DigitalInOut(board.D5)
switch.direction = Direction.INPUT # input for sensors
switch.pull = Pull.UP # Pull.Up/Down is used for switches
while True:
button1 = switch.value
# add your 2nd button reading
if not button1:
print("Pressed button 1!")
# add your servo control
# add your 2nd button condition & servo control in an additional if statement
# you need no else statement in this code.
time.sleep(0.01) # add a small sleep to prevent overrunning loops
It can be helpful to have a visual representation for our users as to what “speed” a servo is currently running at. Add in x2 external LEDs that turns on #1 when the servo runs, and turns on #2 when the servo is stopped.
Starter Code:
import board
from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull
import time
led = DigitalInOut(board.D3)
led.direction = Direction.INPUT
switch = DigitalInOut(board.D5)
switch.direction = Direction.INPUT # input for sensors
switch.pull = Pull.UP # Pull.Up/Down is used for switches
while True:
button1 = switch.value
# add your 2nd button reading
if not button1:
print("Pressed button 1!")
# add your servo control
led.value = True
# turn off your other LED
# add your 2nd button condition, servo control, and 2nd LED logic
time.sleep(0.01) # add a small sleep to prevent overrunning loops
Add in an additional button + LED. Can you make the servo run at 2 different speeds, for low and high?