Wiring LED’s leveled up
Using the tutorial from level 0, continue on by wiring up more LEDs. This quickly becomes significantly more complex when you need to factor in two pieces of hardware now instead of just 1.
Stage 0:
- Wire up 1 more LED to a different Digital pin and blink this in time with the first LED.
- Initilize this pin the same way you did on lines 17 & 19 in this code.
- Change the variable name to led2, and the board.D13 to board.D0-12 (pick one, it doesn’t matter)
- turn both LEDs on, then time.sleep(0.5), then both off, then time.sleep(0.5).
Stage 1:
- Wire up two additional external LEDs to new D.pins. You should now have a total of x4 external LEDs connected.
- Can you make an interesting pattern display across your 4 LEDs by causing them to blink out of sync and in sync?
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